Telegram is set to be successful for the first time as it tries bitcoin, membership, and advertising despite facing legal scrutiny and dealing with billions in debts. VideoCreditCredit… Filip Fröhlich In recent months, Telegram, the lightly moderated social media app, has held discussions with investors who lent it more than$ 2 billion. The goal is to convince them that the business is still worthwhile after its creator, Pavel Durov, was detained in France in August on suspicion of having engaged in illegal activity on the system. In the meetings, Telegram told traders that it was tackling its constitutional issues head-on by policing more user-generated information. A “meaningful quantity” of the company’s debt was also paid over, according to an investor in the discussions who was not authorized to discuss personal information. This year, Telegram has been receiving more attention around the world for hosting illegal information from kid predators, drug smugglers, and other criminals. The business also faces force to demonstrate that it can make money in another way. Skeptics have been asking for years whether a system that hosts harmful material could generate revenue. Telegram followed a unique business model, unlike social media companies like Meta, where it did not raise money from investors, sell ads based on customer data, or employ a lot of people to promote development. Rather, it relied on Mr. Durov’s fame and fortune to maintain its firm, took on debts and barreled into the crypto industry. Now that Telegram has its financial footing, it needs to demonstrate that it can move past its legal and regulatory issues, maintain its independence, and keep an initial public offering. It has expanded its content moderation work, with more than 750 vendors who police information. It has introduced advertising, membership and picture services. Additionally, it has used crypto to consolidate its money and pay down its debt. The end result: According to a person with knowledge of the money who declined to get identified discussing domestic images, Telegram is expected to be profitable for the first time this year. Revenue is on track to surpass$ 1 billion, up from nearly$ 350 million last year, the person said. Telegram also has about$ 500 million in cash reserves, not including crypto assets. We are having difficulty locating the article’s source. In your browser’s settings, kindly help Browser. Thank you for your patience as we verify exposure. If you are in Audience mode please leave and log into your Times accounts, or listen for all of The Times. Thank you for your patience as we verify exposure. Now a customer? Register in. Want all of The Times? Subscribe.