Particle Health listens to Epic’s movement to reject

​In response to Epic Systems ‘ request to dismiss a court case alleging that the electronic health record huge had violated a national antitrust law, Particle Health moved to ignore the problem. Epic has defended patient privacy and said it will “vigorously defend itself against Particle’s meritless says” in a speech to Healthcare IT News. In its initial declaration on Thursday, Particle explained that” this situation is about Epic’s immoral and common campaign to eradicate competition in the payer-platform market.” The data transfer and analytics firm strongly denies that Epic acted with intention and once asserted that it” properly alleges real hate” by the EHR merchant against it to stop competition in the payer interoperability market. Epic stated in its submitting to ignore the antitrust lawsuit last quarter that Particle Health Inc. v. Epic Systems Corporation was vengeance for respecting the privacy of the patients. The EHR merchant has stated that Particle had allegedly allowed some customers to access patient records on the Carequality health data exchange network under the false pretense of being a doctor, and it has lodged a complaint with the HIE. In the end, a Carequality statement from October in October alleged that this claim noted differences in the interpretation of some Carequality technical requirements. It was established that Particle Health wasn’t using a “masking gate” with the assistance of a subject matter professional. ‘” Particle terminated its contracts with three certain businesses, which were disconnected from Carequality for at least 12 months. Epic claimed in the internet discussion that the Carequality debate decision confirmed that it and its clients took the necessary steps to protect patient protection. The analytics firm asserted that” contrary to Epic’s conclusory says,” it still reasonably refutes says that Epic has used” a variety of unlawful indicates that continue to this day,” including” Threatening Particle’s users unless they agree to stop working with Particle.” ” In an effort to spread fear, doubt, and doubt about particle physics, initiating and then very publicly pursuing a baseless market dispute.” ” Making repeated disparaging assertions”. A Particle spokesperson said on Thursday in an email that included the filed report outlining Epic’s point-by-point defense that” we remain comfortable in the strength of the situation and that our claims will succeed the movement.” In the fresh court filing, the company stated that” Particle’s seventy-eight-page complaint provides a step-by-step description of how a corporation eager for power is willing to destroy an entrepreneur with an honestly superior solution to put more money in its hands.” Epic will try to defend its steps when necessary, but it has no current grounds for rejecting the problem. The activity may become denied”. ” Particle’s claims are inconsistent with reality”, an Epic spokesperson told Healthcare IT News by message in comment on Friday. Customers of Epic and its care system will not sit back and permit the use of individual health data under the guise of individual treatment, according to Andrea Fox, senior director of Healthcare IT News.
Healthcare IT News is a HIMSS Media release. 

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